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What does every student get?

FREE Access to Bonuses worth more than €1.300

16 000+ Video Courses

Choose from more than 16 000 online courses worth €229.

2700+ eBooks & Audiobooks

Download €89 worth of eBooks for free even after graduation.

20 000+ Academic Articles

Access Selflearning platform full of resources worth €290.

Progress Certificates

During studies, you will be receiving certificates for completing daily blocks. (Does not apply to SPONSOR package)

Module Certificates

For successful completion of each module. Great for CV, social media, etc. (Does not apply to SPONSOR package)

International ASIC accreditation

Prove the high quality of your gained knowledge by finishing our Effective Courses accredited by ASIC.

Online Webinars

Join webinars of our partner LIGS University worth €200.

Supporting charity

Finish EDU Effective course and we will send part of your tuition to a charity of your choice.

EDU Effective e-books

Up-to-date EDU e-books free of charge for our students.