Verification of issued diplomas
Do you want to verify the authenticity of the certificate? There is nothing easier!
Specimen of the certificate
EDU Effective Business School

Entering data for authentication:
Note: The Issue Authentication System is primarily for employers, prospective employers and other authorized persons.
The result of authentication:
The data entry was successful.
We confirm that we have issued certificate number - with the following data:
Graduate's title(s), name and surname: -
A specialisation: -
Date of graduation: -
Thank you for verifying the authenticity of the issued certificate. For more information, don't hesitate to contact us at Thank you, EDU Effective Business School.
Unfortunately, we do not record any issued certificate with these parameters. Please recheck the details and repeat the query.
If you still believe it should have been issued, please contact us at to manually verify the certificate's authenticity. Thank you, EDU Effective Business School.
"I’m proud to say that our biggest motivation for founding the EDU Effective was to help. To help adult working students from all over the world to become better and more successful. To give them a chance for a more satisfying, fulfilling life.", Dr. Pavel Makovsky, Chair of the Management Board and Founder

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