Blog & News

Interesting tips and news for your self-improvement

Are You Running a Business? Discover Effective Time Management and Productivity Strategies

Entrepreneurs often face a lack of time. Long hours spent at the desk and endless to-do lists that never seem to end. Do you feel like your day should have at least...

Ethical Dilemmas Unveiled: Inside the Minds of Business Lawyers

The legal environment is constantly evolving, and lawyers are increasingly facing extreme challenges in their profession. With the rise of corporate scandals, the growing influence of technology, and the globalization...

Artificial Intelligence and its Application in Your Profession

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a technology of the future; it is a technology of the present that is transforming all aspects of our lives. AI can be found everywhere,...

The Future of Performance Management: Five Strategies Every Manager Should Know

In our previous article, we addressed the lack of effective leaders in companies and the importance of manager development. In this article, we will focus on the five strategies every...

Discover the Coaching of the Future: 4 New Trends That Are Changing the Game!

The world of coaching is constantly evolving and bringing new trends that have the potential to fundamentally change the game! We’re going to take a look at the recent trends in...

The future of HR? 5 key trends shaping the HR of tomorrow

The world of work is constantly evolving and the roles and responsibilities of HR experts are changing with it. In order for organizations to be successful and maintain a competitive advantage,...

Missing Leaders in Companies: The Importance of Manager Development

In today’s competitive business environment, the lack of effective leaders in companies is a common problem. In this article, we will focus on statistics that highlight the shortage of leaders in...

Ladies, Join the Ranks of Female Leaders Thanks to Professional Effective MBA Education

In our previous article, we addressed the underrepresentation of female leaders in Europe, where their representation accounts for 30%, in leadership positions, yet only 19% when it comes to position...

Certificate and Diploma: Dual Recognition of Your Education

In today’s rapidly changing educational environment, it’s essential to have documents that effectively validate your skills, knowledge, and competencies gained through study. At EDU Effective Business School, we fully understand...

Four Marketing Trends That Will Help You Win the Race in a Competitive World

You are certainly no newbie in the marketing world, so we won’t bore you with the classic teachings that proper marketing involves using suitable channels and communication tools, leveraging social...